About Doula Jaclyn
Welcome, I'm Jaclyn (she/hers), a birth doula, excited to engage with you through your birth journey.
I am a Certified Birth Justice Doula (CBJD) with a background in public health. My previous work includes STD and sex education, public health research, and healthcare administration. Understanding the healthcare complexities of pregnancy and birth, I am passionate about ensuring all clients have full agency throughout their birth journey. I value the power of relationships, championing for strong provider and family relationships and supporting birth partners to be just as engaged. Most importantly, I love connecting amazing people to other amazing people to assist clients in accessing the best resources for them throughout pregnancy and postpartum.
I live in the West Town, Chicago and predominately serve within the city of Chicago.
Email me at doulajaclyn1@gmail.com to schedule a free in-person or virtual consultation.
What is a Birth Doula?
A birth doula provides physical, mental, emotional, and informational support to individuals in labor. As a non-medical member of a birthing person's care team, a doula does not provide clinical advice or interfere with the doctor or midwife's role, instead they are complementary. For example, a doula provides coaching on breathing and positioning through labor, supports the birthing individual to have ownership over their birth and delivery decisions, and supports the non-birthing partner (e.g. the father of the child, mother of birthing individual, partner, etc.) to best support their partner throughout birth. Additionally, a birth doula ensures continuous and consistent support throughout the birthing process.
Several studies and research show the benefits of doula support:
Less likely to have a cesarean section (C-Section)
More likely to have a spontaneous vaginal birth
Less likely to use synthetic oxytocin (Pitocin) or other interventions to speed up labor
More likely to have a shorter labor
Less likely to rate childbirth experience negatively
Services Offered
Birth Doula Package
1-2 Prenatal Visits
On call from start of contract through 6 weeks postpartum
Labor and delivery support (throughout entire labor and up to 2 hours postpartum)
Prenatal Support:
1-2 prenatal in-person visits (depending on family's preference). Topics include:
Preparing for labor and postpartum
Creating birth preferences
Discussing and defining your care teams' roles, including your birth partners, doulas, nurses, and providers role.
Navigating conversations with care providers about pregnancy
Providing evidence-based stretches and exercises to support optimal positioning of your baby
Mindfulness techniques to reduce stress
Supporting other needs as they arise
In addition to the prenatal visits, I am on call 24/7 for emergency situations and have daily office hours for non-emergent concerns as they arise.
Labor Support
Throughout labor, I offer continual hands-on support including comforting techniques and positioning support, and strive to create and maintain a peaceful environment. I stay up to two hours postpartum. I can also provide labor and birth photos.
Postpartum Support
I am on call 24/7 for emergency situations up until 6 weeks postpartum and available during daily office hours for non-emergent concerns.