About Doula Jaclyn

Welcome, I'm Jaclyn (she/hers), a birth doula, excited to engage with you through your birth journey. 

I am a Certified Birth Justice Doula (CBJD) with a background in public health. My previous work includes STD and sex education, public health research, and healthcare administration. Understanding the healthcare complexities of pregnancy and birth, I am passionate about ensuring all clients have full agency throughout their birth journey.  I value the power of relationships, championing for strong provider and family relationships and supporting birth partners to be just as engaged. Most importantly, I love connecting amazing people to other amazing people to assist clients in accessing the best resources for them throughout pregnancy and postpartum.

I live in the West Town, Chicago and predominately serve within the city of Chicago. 

 Email me at doulajaclyn1@gmail.com to schedule a free in-person or virtual consultation. 

What is a Birth Doula?

A birth doula provides physical, mental, emotional, and informational support to individuals in labor. As a non-medical member of a birthing person's care team, a doula does not provide clinical advice or interfere with the doctor or midwife's role, instead they are complementary. For example, a doula provides coaching on breathing and positioning through labor, supports the birthing individual to have ownership over their birth and delivery decisions, and supports the non-birthing partner (e.g. the father of the child, mother of birthing individual, partner, etc.) to best support their partner throughout birth. Additionally, a birth doula ensures continuous and consistent support throughout the birthing process. 

Several studies and research show the benefits of doula support: 

Source: 2017 Cochrane Database Systematic Review

Services Offered

Birth Doula Package 

Prenatal Support:

Labor Support

Postpartum Support